Riga Pride
Baltic Times har publicerat ett antal artiklar om turerna runt prideparaden i Riga. Den 3 augusti summerade man effekterna av de konservativa politkernas utspel i en artikel där man hävdade att deras agerande förmodligen skadat landets image. I artikeln citerade man ur det öppna brevet från QX.se, som de fått sig tillsänt och översatt till engelska av Oscar Swartz själv (klicka för att läsa).
Den engelska versionen av brevet publicerades också på Oscar Swartz blogg samt skickade ut på en stor internationell mailinglista av Rex Wockner, den amerikanske veteranjournalisten inom gaymedia. Brevet nådde ganska snart regeringskansliet i Lettland. Oscar Swartz fick ett svar från premiärminister Aigars Kalvitis, vilket QX publicerar nedan.
– Jag är tycker det visar att man med en ganska begränsad insats faktiskt kan använda nätets på ett sätt som ger någon form av avtryck. Lettland tycks ha blivit skakat av alla de reaktioner som kom från olika håll, säger Oscar Swartz.
Du kan även besöka Swartz via hansQruiser nick: Sino-Nordic(, )
Svaret från premiärminister Aigars Kalvitis, publicerat på engelska
”Dear Oscar Swartz!
Thank you for your opinion concerning the parade of sexual minorities that took place on July 23, 2005 in Riga. I must express my regret about the unhealthy stir that was created following my interview with the LNT TV programme ”900 seconds”. There were attempts to link my statements with expressions of homophobic views and hate in the society. This is not true.
The concerns I expressed in the interview on possible increase of friction within the society and attempts of some extremist elements to use this parade for stirring conflicts were largely grounded. The information I had about planned illegal activities was alarming enough. At the same time, I must admit that the Executive Director of Riga City Council acted hastily, when he withdrew the previously granted permit. This can be seen from the court ruling, which allowed the parade to take place. This can also be seen from the highly professional and successful operation of the police, who ensured security of participants of the parade and public order, and prevented physical clashes and disorder. Individuals who acted as hooligans were arrested, and appropriate sanctions were taken against them. I think that the events that took place during the parade were a result of misunderstandings and unnecessary confrontation of views. I hope that in the future in such situations the necessary compromise will be found by choosing appropriate time and place beforehand.
I would like to say that Latvia is a democratic country that wishes and is able to ensure human rights of every person living here. In a democratic country, the most diverse views are listened to, and the Government of Latvia is clearly against discrimination of any kind. It is worth noting that not long before the parade the Cabinet of Ministers adopted decisions preventing discrimination of sexual minorities in labour market.
I would like to repeat that the Government of Latvia has never retreated from the principles of democracy, and that its whole operation is aimed at protecting every citizen of Latvia, fighting race intolerance and persons fuelling hate on national or any other grounds.
Yours sincerely,
Aigars Kalvitis
Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia”
Källa: Läs Oscar Swartz krönika
Publicerad: 2005-08-10 18:11:45
Uppdaterad 2018-05-15