Christopher Ciccone, Madonnas yngre bror, som tidigare var kreativ konsult och backup-dansare för popstjärnan, har dött. Ciccone dog lugnt och stilla den 4 oktober efter en kamp mot cancer. Han var då omgiven av nära och kära, inklusive sin man, Ray Thacker.

Efter beskedet om hans död skrev Madonna en lång, innerlig hyllning till sin bror på Instagram.

My brother Christopher is gone.
He was the closest human to me for so long
Its hard to explain our bond
But it grew out of an understanding that we were different and society was going to give us a hard time for not following the status quo.
We took each other‘s hands and we danced through the madness of our childhood

My ballet Teacher, also named Christopher- created a safe space for my brother to be Gay.
We danced through the madness of the AIDS epidemic.
We went to funerals and we cried, and we went dancing. We danced together on stage in the beginning of my career and eventually, he became the Creative Director, of many tours.

He was in so much pain towards the end
Once again, we held hands We closed our eyes and we danced.Together.
I’m glad he’s not suffering anymore.
There will never be anyone like him.
I know he’s dancing somewhere.