Igår avslutade Depeche Mode sin 112-spelningar långa Monmento Mori-turné i Köln och samtidigt släppte man en ny video till låten ”People are good”. En video i vilken det dyker upp ett par skäggiga kyssandes karlar. Och en gayvigsel. Jo, jag tackar jag.
Det här var den första konsertturnén sedan keyboardisten Andy Fletcher dog 2022.
”The 5 Gayest Depeche Mode Songs of All Time”
What’s Your Name?
This song literally has the line ”Hey, you’re such a pretty boy!”
Boys Say Go!
”Boys meet boys, get together! Boys meet boys, live together!”
People are People
Literally just a song that basically says ”it’s okay to be gay”
Master and Servant
Lyrics are about gay BDSM sex and has quotes such as ”with you on top, and me underneath”, ”domination’s the name of the game” as well as ”you treat me like a dog, get me down on my knees”. Banned in the US for being too gay
Fly On the Windscreen – Final
Ther is a part where Martin and Dave duet and start singing the line ”come here, touch me, kiss me”